
Brentside Primary Academy

Putting Children First

Data Protection (GDPR)

The GDPR comes into effect on the 25th of May 2018


The rules around data protection are changing. The 'General Data Protection Regulation' (GDPR) will change how we can use your personal data and keep it safe, and will also strengthen your rights over your own data.


The point of this is to make sure sensitive or private information about yourselves and your children stays safe. Whilst it is similar to the current Data Protection Act in many ways, there are a few differences, so we need to make a few changes at the school in order to ensure we remain compliant.

Use of Photographs and Videos


Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) consent conditions have been strengthened. To this end we will be annually checking consent for use of photographs and videos of your child.


Annual school pictures are taken by an outside company, they can only use the images as agreed to in the contract with the school for taking the photographs.


Other images are taken by staff members throughout the year during events or activities inside the school and during school trips and visits.


Photographs and videos of pupils are used in a number of ways at Brentside Primary Academy:-


Internal Use- Part of our official function as a school

  • On a pupil database to identify pupils
  • On pupil of the week certificates
  • On learning achievement displays
  • On care plans or allergy lists to identify pupils
  • In class projects or art work


The lawful basis for use of images in this way is public task


External use- For use in marketing

  • On the school website- videos and photographs of events, shows and trips
  • In the School Prospectus or other documents to show how the school functions
  • On the digital display boards (in lobby and driveway of school)
  • Displayed in the school corridors (canvases or class displays)
  • In videos shown at Parents Evening.


For this use of images we require consent. When using photographs and videos for marketing purposes we will not accompany them with any other personal information about the child, to ensure they cannot be identified
