Putting Children First
Tameeza Henriot- Member- Appointed as member 4 Sept 2015 - Governor at another school
Christian Mills- Member- Appointed as member 23 June 2016 -Director at another company
Ruth Shaw- Member & Trustee- Appointed as member 21 November 2018
Eilidth Macrae- Member & Trustee- Appointed as member 23 March 2022
Hajra Maka- Trustee
Aisha Chowdhury- Trustee
Zainab Saeed- Trustee
Elizabeth Lusty- Trustee
Matt Blom- Trustee
Meleter James- Trustee
Joanna Disha- Trustee
Caroline Crosdale- Trustee\ Accounting Officer
Amanda Smith- Trustee
Jemima Smith- Trustee
The Trustees and Members are the Governors or the School and have a strategic role supporting and challenging the Headteacher. Governors work as a team, in the best interests of the children and the school, to raise educational standards. More specifically, they:
The full governing body usually meets at least once a term in addition to meeting in smaller committees. Most of the governors’ work is done in committee meetings when financial, audit, staffing, curriculum and premises issues are discussed in detail. These committees meet at least once a term and more when there are pressing issues such as building works.
Governors undertake regular monitoring visits to the school to focus on areas for school improvement as well as to monitor specific areas.