
Brentside Primary Academy

Putting Children First

Reception Admission Documents to be Completed by Parents and Guardians



The following documentation will need to be completed before your child can start the school:


Action Required

  • Application Form- To be completed for all pupils who did not attend Brentside Primary Nursery. Please note, proof of date of birth (i.e. birth certificate/passport) is required. Copies or scans/photographs are acceptable 
  • Contact Details & Medical Update Form- To be completed for pupils who did attend Brentside Primary Nursery if details have changed
  • Home School Agreement- To be read and signed by all (back page to be signed)
  • Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Application Form- To be completed by all
  • Photography Consent Form- To be completed by all
  • Facebook Consent Form- To be completed by all
  • E-Safety Agreement- To be completed by all
  • Borrowed Clothing Agreement -To be completed by all
  • Local Visits Form- To be completed by all
  • Uniform Order Form


Returning the Documentation


There are a number of ways you can return the required documentation to the school:


1. Electronically- We have put all the required forms on this web page. You can download the forms, complete them electronically, and then email them to:


2. Post- You can complete the hard copies of the forms and post them to the school:

Brentside Primary Academy

Kennedy Road


W7 1JL


3. Hand Deliver- You can complete the forms and bring them to the school office by hand. 
