
Brentside Primary Academy

Putting Children First

Nursery Admission Documents to be Completed by Parents & Guardians


The following documentation will need to be completed before your child starts.


Action Required

  • 30 Hour Nursery Provision Form- To be completed if you are eligible and wish your child to attend full-time Nursery
  • Home School Agreement- To be read and signed by all
  • Early Years Pupil Premium Form- To be completed by all
  • Photography Consent Form- To be completed by all
  • Facebook Consent Form- To be completed by all
  • E-Safety Agreement- To be completed by all
  • Borrowed Clothing Agreement -To be completed by all
  • Local Visits Form- To be completed by all
  • Uniform Order Form- Optional for Nursery


Returning the Documentation


There are a number of ways you can return the required documentation to the school:


1. Electronically- We have put all the required forms on this web page. You can download the forms, complete them electronically, and then email them to:


2. Post-  You can complete the hard copies of the forms and post them to the school:

Brentside Primary Academy

Kennedy Road


W7 1JL


3. Hand Deliver- You can complete the forms and bring them to the school office by hand. 
