
Brentside Primary Academy

Putting Children First

Remote Learning

On this page you will find information about how to access learning from home. 


It is important that whilst your child is off school, for whatever reason, that they continue to learn and complete tasks and activities that are set by their teachers.  This will help them to keep their minds active, not fall behind in their studies and find it easier to return to school when they are able to.


We are setting and uploading work using our 'Purple Mash' learning platform. All pupils are familiar with using this platform as it is used every week in school.  


Please contact the school office if you are unable to access Purple Mash and we will do all we can to help you and your child access learning at home. 


Purple Mash

If your child is not in school ‘Purple Mash’ will be used to set work for children to complete. Both the teachers and pupils can up load work to this platform. Each week Four Purple Mash activities will be set as 2do’s for the children to complete.


In addition to the above tasks set on Purple Mash we have created a Self Isolation Folder on Purple Mash – In this folder will be an instruction sheet, which sets out the tasks for the week. In this folder will be worksheets and activities for your child to complete, this may include some key concept teaching videos.

Submitting work completed at home

All work will be set on purple mash and this will be a mixture of interactive '2dos' and activities that you can download and complete. There might also be tasks that you can complete and then take a photograph of such as a DT project or painting. There are two ways that you can send the completed word/PDF documents and photos to your teacher:


1. Upload the document or photograph to your work folder on purple mash.

2. Email your teacher the photograph or document using your year group email addresses (please note that these are for sending work only. Any questions should still be directed to the school office)


Your teacher will respond to the work as soon as they can.

Instructions on How to Access Self-Isolation Work on Purple Mash

Oak National Academy

We will also use ‘Oak National Academy’ to compliment what we send out to our pupils as part of our remote learning package. The Oak National Academy is free to use and does not require a log in.


Follow the below steps to access the available lessons

Step 1- Access the website

Please click on the link below

Step 2- Select Pupil Lessons

Click on the page titled lessons- may show differently depending on your browser

Step 3- Find Lessons

Click on the page titled schedule

Step 4- Select a Year Group

 Click on your child's year group

Step 5- Select a Lesson

 You will see 3 lessons each day which your child can complete

Oother work that your child can complete

  • Reading for 30 mins each day.
  • Practicing times tables and number bonds.
  • Some form of physical exercise such as cosmic yoga or online hit sessions.
  • Home Learning Sheet – these are now also uploaded to Purple Mash so that your child can complete the weekly activities, even if they are self isolating. These can be found in a the ‘Work’ section on Purple Mash. Instructions on how to access the Home Learning Sheets can be found in the ‘Weekly Homework at BPA’ section of our website.

If you do not have internet access, you will need to contact the school and we will provide paper copies of work for your child to complete.
