Putting Children First
The government is providing additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools.
This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school headteachers.
For further details on how BPA is planning on using the PE & Sports grant this year and how it has been utilised in previous years please see the report below.
From 2017 all schools are now required to publish how many pupils within their year 6 cohort can do each of the following:
In 2023-24 BPA made an adjustment to the how swimming is delivered. All pupils in year 4 have a lessons for a whole term, class 4 Blue have swimming lessons in the autumn term, and class 4 Red have swimming lessons in the Spring term. In the Summer term, the pupils from either of the classes that have not yet achieved 25M or cannot perform each type of swim stroke are taken for lessons for a further term. This has had an impact on the number of pupils that are able to swim 25M and perform 4 different stroke types.