Putting Children First
Children are curious about the world that we live in and are very perceptive to changes that happen in their lives. At BPA we strive to encourage pupil’s curiosity about the world by adopting an enquiry-based learning approach. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions about the world that they live in and discover people and places that are different to them to help them to make sense of their environments.
Through learning about history, both local, and in the wider-world pupils are encouraged to think about how life has changed, and prepare themselves for a world that is ever-changing. The skills that pupils are encouraged to adopt, such as critical thinking into different sources presented, and understanding events from different points of view should encourage an adoption of empathy and understanding.
Whilst discovering the physical and human geography of different places, pupils are encouraged to think about the planet that we live on as something that must be looked after and appreciated. Furthermore, understanding how different people live, and cultural differences around the world should encourage pupils to be understanding and respectful of different people.
Through learning about these topics, and enhancing their skills, pupils are encouraged to find an area that they are passionate about, succeed in and enjoy.
The curriculum for both geography and history is based upon the ‘Learning Challenge Curriculum’, which encourages enquiry-based learning for all pupils. Pupils have a focus question each half term which relates to one or both of these subjects that they are to explore, discover and ask questions about. Each lesson has a sub-question that assists to guide the learner on a journey to solve the Focus Question. These questions are adapted depending on class interests and teacher speciality to allow inclusive, and inspirational lessons.
The local area is used to allow pupils to understand the place that they live, and how this differs from where other people live, as well as to see the changes that have occurred in the area from key events in history.
The impact of the curriculum is monitored in several different ways to ensure that pupils all have access to a wide curriculum. Pupil opinions, assessment outcomes and progression, planning, work in books, discussions with teachers and management, plus learning walks and classroom displays are used to inform the quality of learning and understanding that pupils have gained.
The aim is for pupils to who have a vast understanding of the world we live in, from both geographical and historical perspectives, so that pupils are both prepared to move onto secondary education and for their lives in the future whilst maintaining a passion and curiosity in learning.