Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone.
Everyone in the school is responsible for keeping children safe from significant harm.
We recognise and understand the definition of safeguarding children and promoting their welfare stated in ‘Working together to safeguard children’ as:
- protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing impairment of children’s health or development
- ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes
Safeguarding Responsible Person(s)
Designated Safeguarding Lead- Headteacher Caroline Crosdale
Deputy Safeguarding Leads- Jemima Smith & Susan Sobti
What should I do if a child discloses that s/he is being harmed?
- Any issue relating to the on going wellbeing of a pupil should be brought to the attention of a senior manager immediately.
- Concerns should be supported in writing using the appropriate form, and be dated and signed by the reporting person.
- Any disclosures which put the pupil in immediate harm, or disclosures of injuries to a child, should be reported immediately.
- React calmly to any disclosures made.
- Listen carefully to the child, particularly to what is said spontaneously.
- Do not ask leading questions or make judgements. Clarify and check your concern if you feel that you are not sure, by using, for example:
”Tell (T), Explain (E), Describe (D)” but as soon as you believe that there might be a genuine issue, ask no further questions. This would compromise further enquiries.
- Do not promise confidentiality. If a disclosure is made by a child it must be made clear to the child that you have to tell someone. Explain to the child that you must pass on the information if you are worried about their safety.
- Child Protection issues and disclosures are confidential and details are on a need to know basis.
What will happen then?
In any case of suspected abuse the Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding will consult/refer with the appropriate Children’s Services.
If an initial Child Protection conference is called, staff should be aware that:
- they may be asked to attend.
- a report has to be submitted in writing. Dates and details are therefore very important. Records must be accurate and as thorough as possible.
- Parents/carers have a right to be present at a case conference and see copies of any reports. The identity of staff cannot, therefore, be kept confidential.
- Minutes of Conferences are confidential to those attending the Conference and must NOT BE LEFT IN OPEN FILES OR TAKEN HOME.
- If abuse is sustained, a Child Protection or Child in Need plan will be drawn up. Regular reviews are then held.
Staff will pay particular attention to the attendance and development of any children who are subject to a child protection or Child in Need Plan.
Children’s Services will inform the school of any decisions regarding children with a Child Protection or Child in Need Plan, or any change in the status or placement of the child.
What happens when a child transfers to another school?
If the child is on the child protection register, their Social Worker will be contacted by the DSL and informed of the transfer.
When the child changes schools within the authority, child protection records will be passed on to the DSL at the receiving school. *If the child is moving to another authority, information will be passed onto the next school’s DSL. Case conference minutes are not transferred but the date, name of chair, local authority and outcome will be included on the records transferred.
***If in any doubt, consult with the Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding***
Local Authority Safeguarding
If you have any concerns about a child that you would like to raise with the local authority you can contact:
Ealing Children's Intergrated Response Service
Social Care Customer Contact Centre
020 8825 8000