
Brentside Primary Academy

Putting Children First

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.

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  • 'Kindness & Values' Community Week

    Mon 28 Jan 2019

    Over the week of 21st-25th January, Brentside Primary Academy celebrated ‘Kindness and Values’ Community Week. This was an opportunity for pupils to be involved in creating a new set of shared school values that will underpin the ethos and vision of the school going forward, and also reach out to the wider community.


    KS1 Children learned about community and 'random acts of kindness' throughout the week, and participated in making displays and posters, and baking for others throughout the week.


    Each class took part in the ‘Kindness Rocks’ project by decorating a selection of rocks which will go around our school pond to remind us of kindness and values. There has also been a Brentside Compliments Post Box- Compliment slips went into the red post-box and were delivered around the school on Friday.


    On Tuesday, we invited a selection of local residents into the school to watch one our fantastic assemblies and enjoy tea and cakes with the School Council. The children and residents had a lovely morning meeting each other and enjoying being part of a shared community.


    We were overwhelmed with the generosity of donations of old clothes, which will be given to Bag2School, a ‘Cash for Clothes’ charity who collect and sell unwanted textiles to importers and wholesalers in many countries of Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and Asia for resale. The money made will be donated to Barnardo’s. Barnardo's is the UK’s leading children’s charity and protects, supports and nurtures the UK's most vulnerable children and young people. This means we help children in the UK, in other countries, and help the environment by recycling unwanted clothes!


    We also collected donations of sealed, non-perishable food items to be donated to Ealing Soup Kitchen. Ealing Soup Kitchen is a charity which has been helping the homeless and vulnerable people in need in the community for over 40 years by providing hot, nutritious food and a helping hand. Once again, the families of Brentside proved what a caring school we are with their generous donations, and, on Thursday afternoon, Andrew Mcleay, Ealing Worker with Homeless People from Ealing Soup Kitchen, visited the school to talk to Y5/6 pupils about the vital work the organisation does and the difference their donations would make.


    In Early Years and KS1, the children have been making displays and bucket stories on the theme of kindness. They have also been learning about ‘random acts of kindness’ and how they can be good friends within the school community. Reception and Year 1 did some baking to make delicious treats for our visitors into the school, and Year 2 discussed our school values and made a leaf on a tree display of their ideas.


    Year 3 helped with litter collection in the local area by spending some time collecting litter and learning how we can keep our local area looking clean and tidy.


    Year 4 have been acting as playground buddies for younger children and helped organise and sort our clothes collection.


    On Wednesday, Year 5 Red visited the residents of St. David’s Care Home in Hanwell, a residential home for the elderly and physically disabled. It was a wonderful morning for both the children and residents alike, getting to know each other and hearing their stories. The visit was such a success, we are looking into make this a more regular occurrence!


    Year 6 pupils picked a name out of a hat at the start of the week to be their “Guardian Angel” and tried to show as many acts of kindness towards that person as possible for the week. At the end of the week, the children will guess who their angel was. They also took part in a knitting project, with child learning to knit a 20x20 square in school. Once the squares are completed they will be joined together to be donated to a charity of our choice.


    Finally, all KS2 children participated in Buddy Reading with the Reception and KS1 children on Wednesday; it was great to see them helping the younger children out and sharing their love of reading with them.


    It was a fantastic week for everyone, and we are looking forward to maintaining our shared values going forward. Thank you to all the children, parents, guardians and families for their support and generosity in making this week such a success.

  • Brentside Bulletin Launched

    Fri 25 Jan 2019

    We will now be regularly issuing a school newsletter called ‘The Brentside Bulletin’. This will be a way for us to keep you updated with both what has been happening at the school, and what is coming up.


    The newsletter will contain information on events and activities that have taken place, upcoming events, attendance updates, and important dates.


    The letter will be published on our website, and an enlarged copy will also go up in the school lobby, with a small amount of copies printed and placed in the lobby to be collected by parents.


    Paper copies of the newsletter will not be printed each time to issue individually to every child in the school, instead we would ask parents and guardians to provide us with an email address so we can send you an electronic copy of The Brentside Bulletin if you are interested in receiving it.


    If you do wish to receive an emailed copy of the newsletter, please contact the school office.

  • Parent 'Meet & Greet' Sessions

    Thu 17 Jan 2019

    We are holding two 'Meet and Greet' sessions next week so that you are able to meet the new team and give us some feedback and suggestions on how we can improve the school. 


    We will also be able to share with you some ideas we have for future projects.


    NB: We will not be able to discuss individual pupils, concerns, or complaints at this meeting.


    These sessions will be on Monday 21st January from 3.00pm-3.25pm and Wednesday 23rd January from 9.00am-9.30am.


    We look forward to seeing as many parents as possible there!

  • 'Kindness & Values' Community Week

    Thu 17 Jan 2019

    'Kindness & Values' Community Week 21st-25th January


    As part of the events taking place next week during our ‘Kindness and Values’ week, we are asking for donations of old clothes, which will be given to Bag2School, a ‘Cash for Clothes’ charity. More information can be found at


    The money made will be donated to Barnardo’s. Barnardo's is the UK’s leading children’s charity and protects, supports and nurtures the UK's most vulnerable children and young people. Bag2School can accept the following ‘good quality’ clothes for re-use:

    • Adults or children’s clothing
    • Paired shoes (tied together)
    • Handbags
    • Hats
    • Scarves and ties

    Please note that they cannot accept: soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing or school uniform.


    We are also asking for donations of sealed, non-perishable food items (i.e. tins, dried pasta and rice, biscuits) and plastic tupperware/food containers. These will be donated to Ealing Soup Kitchen. Ealing Soup Kitchen is a charity which has been helping the homeless and vulnerable people in need in the community for over 40 years, by providing hot, nutritious food and a helping hand. More information can be found at


    Please could both clothes and food items be brought into your child’s class, in plastic bags, on Thursday 24th January 2019. These items will then be collected and organised by Year 4 pupils and passed on to the relevant charity.

  • Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day

    Tue 08 Jan 2019

    The children of Brentside Primary Academy raised an impressive £360 for Christmas Jumper Day by wearing their Christmas jumpers and own clothes to school!


    This money will be donated to Save the Children and will help transform the futures of children in the UK and around the world.


    Save the Children and will help make sure every child, no matter where they’re born, has essentials like food, water and a safe place to sleep at night, and ultimately will ensure children can go on to make their mark on the world.


    Just £10 could provide a day's worth of water for a displaced family in Yemen, £60 would buy a first aid kit for a health worker in Afghanistan, £100 could pay for 75 books to replenish a school library in Rwanda, and £200 could pay for a child in Uganda to attend school for one year!


    A huge well done and thank you to everyone who took part.

  • Melody Moran Retires

    Fri 04 Jan 2019


    Melody Moran, The Headteacher of Brentside Primary since 2002, retired on the 31st December 2018.


    The Governing Body have worked closely with Ms Moran and the Senior Leadership Team for the last 2 years to prepare for this change.


    Caroline Crosdale has taken over as Acting Headteacher from the 1st January 2019 to ensure stability for the Academy.
